A lot has happened in the long days since 9/11, some 3650+ of them actually (you do the arithmetic), but a couple of things come to mind.
I like how 'ground zero' entered the lexicon, even though the towers were hit a long way above the ground. I dislike how 'weapons of mass destruction' was a phrase which was forgotten so quickly and not given the opportunity to batter certain American presidents of the time into complete submission until they started begging for mercy and crying uncle.
And I particularly like how American TV has changed. Coincidence? You decide. But there's been a lot better stuff being produced in the last ten years than in the forty before. The phrase 'truth in television' could never be uttered in older times, but now it has a resonance that transcends advertorial 'honesty'. The programs produced by HBO and its ilk have given a new life to the medium. I don't need to name them, if you've participated in the quality, you'll know which ones I mean.
Suffice to say, another one hit me between the ventricles tonight with the power of a hijacked 727, so well done, USA, in this regard. We'll talk about the other stuff later...
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